Saturday, January 06, 2007

I'd like to Auld Lang her Syne...

Yeah, it's a bit of a stretch for a title, but I couldn't think of anything that rhymed with 2007 (besides "heaven," or "Oy! Glevin!," which I'm pretty sure doesn't mean anything). Not gonna lie, I've been meaning to update this sooner, and I'm just getting around to it now.

Let me tell you, New Years Eve was a blast. I was invited this fabolous man's house for a party with some close friends and some random chicks. And the free booze was flowing like, well, free booze. What can I say, I'm an oppurtunist; morals aren't my thing. I had lots of liquer that I've never tried before, and I got to play Barry the Bartender for myself and create crazy drinks. Like gin and [dollar store] juice. Or a White Barry. I got pretty tipsy, but not so much as everyone else. To be honest, the whole experience was a little weird cause I never drank really with my Toledo friends. It was a little surreal, now that I'm reflecting on it. And I got to sleep under the pool table, so I never actually went to sleep. I had to work the next day, so I just left at 7 AM (don't worry ladies, I was sober) and crashed (pun intended) at my house. And my Jello (TM) shot at midnight was still liquid, and pretty much disgusting. Good times, though.

The next day I think was much more prophetic about how 2007 will turn out for me. I went bowling in Monroe with Miles (grade school buddy), his girlfriend, and this chick who works at Krogers.

I scored the highest bowling ever scored by me in my short life:

Don't laugh. This is freakin monumental. I got three strikes in a row, too (a little Turkey popped up on the moniters). And I won the game. I went for 200 the next game, but had to settle for 60. Still, 2007 is shaping up pretty sweetly.

Also in the new year I've gotten the back of my calves chewed up by my ice skates, seen Marie Antoinette (sp?) and The Departed, and tried my hand at making homemade ginger ale. I saw it on Wikihow and decided to give it a whirl cause I was bored. I'll try it out tomorrow and tell ya what I think. Supposedly it has some alcohol in it.

And then today I spent most of the day replaying some good ol' Age of Empires, but I had to stop my seige of Gaul by the Huns because my dad kept talking to me about scholarships, and it was distracting me from conquest. Bummer.

Tomorrow I go to Ann Arbor with some buds. Hopefully they'll be some awesome photos to come.....

Oy! Glevin! it's 2007

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