I kinda been wanting to do this for awhile, so I figured I better get it out of my system before February rolled around. So here it is. My music picks for 2006 (whoa, that rhymed):
These are in no particular order.
Not gonna lie, this is prolly like one of my fav CDs of all time and space. But, seriously, folks, this double disk is great. Pretty much any song picked off the album could be a good single, but my favorite is "Snow," and I'm so glad they finally released it as a single a little while ago. I never really figured out what an Arcadium Stadium was, but I can get pass that. If there is one your gonna buy, make it this one.
I got this one on a bit of a whim, and was pretty impressed. I was turned on to these guys a few years ago by this really tall guy. Basically, Jurassic 5 is a bunch of old black dudes rapping, and they have a real old school (or ol skewl, if you will) feel. They actually have one song featuring Dave Matthews, and it's pretty fresh. The songs on this album are so different than most other rap out there. There is a lot more of a focus on samples and funkiness, like one song which samples "Love and Happiness" by Al Green, which I always thought would be a good idea.
This is basically a greatest hits collection, but I love this guy. He and his backing band (Lounge Against the Machine) cover alternative and top 40 hits in a very groovy way (their cover of "Down With the Sickness" is featured in "Dawn of the Dead"). His big band versions of NIN's "Closer" or Nirvana's "Rape Me" are great, and when I hear "Badd" by Ying Yang Twins, I laugh every time. At least listen to the free samples on his MySpace.
This CD has been out since June, and I was just turned on to it over Christmas break. Spektor and her "anti-folk" movement are pretty fun to listen to. Basically, picture Fiona Apple without the suicidal tendencies and the man-hatred.
This is a Chicago band, and coincidently, the first CD I bought in Chicago. It's pretty electro-boogie-funkalicious. Although the lyrics are somewhat, how you say, retarded, the music is innovative enough to make up for it. This is one band I would recommend to pretty much anybody.
When I found out John Legend was releasing his sophomore album this year, I nearly wet myself. Alright, take out the nearly. But nevertheless, this is one of the top of my top picks of CD this year. In my mind, Legend is single-handedly saving R & B as we know it. He is quite the keyboardist. Although some of his songs make him seem like a sleezebag, I really don't mind. His songster ability makes up for it.
This is the British chick that sings the "wa-hoo" song. Like Spektor, this CD has been out for quite awhile (like Feb) and I was just turned on to her recently. Quite a bummer, cause then I could've enjoyed it sooner. Alas, that is life. Anyway, the music has a pretty stripped down rock feel to it. Although the best songs are the singles, the rest is not bad, either. I wouldn't exactly call it chick rock...mostly because I own the CD.
Last not but not least, one of my other most anticipated releases of the year. And his best selling album to date. I love it. Actually, even though I've heard almost all his other CDs, this is the only one I own. "White and Nerdy" has quickly became one of my favorite songs by him, and the polka on this is superb, putting Pussycat Dolls and Franz Ferdinand to accordion (just like God intended).
Well, I hope you were entertained. Feel free to sing my praises and/or add your own inadequate ideas.
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