Saturday, January 12, 2008

Break's Over, back to work

So, if you couldn't figure out from my witty title, my winter break is officially over.

I spent my last night bowling one of my best friends from middle school, his girlfriend, and two of her friends. They got trashed. And then I realized I was surrounded by rednecks. I guess you can take the boy from the country, but not the country from the boy.

And this boy is leaving super early tomorrow (alright, not super early, like 10, but that's pretty early when you've been sleeping until the early afternoon nearly every day).

Productive break? Sort of, not really. Got my hair all cut, worked like 20 hours total at the Tux Shop (eff), got some DVDs, started a bunch of books and finished "The Golden Compass," which I'm on the fence about. Not much other than that. Got drunk a few times, I guess.

I think this might be the last time I spend the whole break at home, we'll see.

Cardboard City! (some drunk guy was yelling this at the bowling alley),

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