Wednesday, February 14, 2007

FREAKIN SNOW!!!! and a lesson about karma

Today. Was intense. I woke up this morning in a bit of a daze, and said to myself "O Barry, I should sleep now instead of going to my 11:30 class." As always, it was a pretty decent idea, and I didn't really notice the damage that WINTER BLAST 2007 WA-HOO!! left at Chicago until I went to lunch around 1 PM.

It was ca-razy. Snow was piled up in giant mounds everywhere. Little girls were being knocked over by the wind. The snow would whip you in the face no matter which direction you walked, as if saying, "that's right. Take it." At least that's what it said to me.

In it's own way though, it was beautiful. I took some pictures of it while waiting for the El, but I can't put them up because my camera batteries are dead. Sucks for you, I know. The snow always dampens the sound, so where ever you walk it seems as though you're in your own little microcosm. What can I say? I prefer to call myself a romantic, not a weirdo.

And the lesson about karma. Two Thursdays ago I came home to find my computer had slit it's wrists. I sent it to the computer hospital last Tuesday, and happily received back in the mail today. I rushed up to my room (well, not really considering the wind eating my face) and turned that baby on...only to find it has the exact same problem. After exactly five minutes of being on, it turns itself off. I'm getting increasing pissed off as I talk about this. I'm not sure how this is a lesson in karma. I'm pretty much perfect, and I don't know why the universe would be mad at me...however, from now on I'm gonna try to be even more perfect. It'll be tough, but I don't want to be hammering out Blogs in the computer lab where everyone can read them. I guess everyone can read them anyway, considering the nature of blogs...

I found out their was a sale on the Office Season Dos at Borders until Valentine's Day. I made this epic-level journey only to find they had sold out. Don't ask me how, but I ended up buying a M.C. Escher coffee table book and"The Departed" DVD (apparently this is the first day it's out, and it was on sale for like freakin 20 bucks. I rule). Hopefully I can still find that Office Season Two somewhere (Borders has it on sale for $19.99. I want it soooooo bad)...

Happy V -Day!

P.S. Not Happy VD day. No day with VD is happy.

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