Saturday, September 09, 2006

One Sketchy Night

Lemme just tell you one thing I love about Loyola on a weekend night---it's like one huge multi-block high school party. To be honest there's not a whole lot of actual alcohol transfer, but there are huge groups of random drunk people running the streets, and then there's the random drunk chicks everywhere. Thinking back, I prolly should of helped some of them home considering they were by themselves and could get raped by any random homeless dude. Meh, their loss.

Anyway, last night was pretty intense. I didn't fall asleep until 7 this morning. No joke. Then I did laundry. And played ping pong. That's beside the point.

The night kinda sorta officially started at 9 o'clock, when me and my floor-buddy Costis (he's Greek, don't blame him) went to this one party we had heard about. We got there, and there were five guys watching Platoon. Now I do love Charlie Sheen, but we had bigger fish to fry. So we went back to the dorm and hung out in this one chick's room, mostly waiting for other people. Then we went out to the "ashtray," the name lovingly given to the statue of St. Iggie and the surronding garden where everyone lights up their sin sticks. We waited some more, but I got a free snack wrap from McDonald's so it's all good.

Finally, we decided not to go back to the Platoon party cause that's where everyone else was going. So we went to this place on Loyola, which was pretty hoppin' for about 15 minutes, which is when they went dry and kicked everyone out.

We kinda walked around. I ran after someone, tripped, and got taken out by the sidewalk. I still have this giant scrape on my arm. It sucks. After that painful encounter, we went to the party I was personnally invited to, a theater department party (woo-hoo). That was alright, but everyone was really drunk already, and we had the cops to deal with, so we busted out and went to this other party on a street I don't even remember.

The guys there didn't want us to pay, they just requested that three of the six girls we were with would flash them. I figured this would get interesting, but the darn chicks thought this would somehow effect their dignity, so we just kinda slid in anyway. We got in just as a fight was breaking out and we had to leave.

Now here comes the high-light of the evening. We ran into some guy outside some bar who knew one of the girls we were with. After very little pleading, he went in and got us some stuff. Which we consumed in a Dark Ally. We then got chased away by a homeless man. We went to some frat the guy used to be a part of, where we were until 4. Then we went back to the dorm because some fool was getting sick, and I hung out in one of the girl's home until 6. I finally got to bed around 7. Crazy times.

Whew....what a tale. Well, I'm freakin cold right now, so I'm gonna sign off.

---The Barry

PS: If you were a random drunk chick that I passed and then you got taken advantage of by some homeless guy, I apologize.

I'm such a nice guy.

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