Friday, September 29, 2006

A Deed is Done

Tonight was the opening and closing night of my first college acting experience, "A Son at the Front." It was a staged reading, so I got to have my little book in front of me and talk in a Southern accent. Quite the good times. It actually went relatively well. I mean, world war one, Oklahoma, me as a whipped stepdad, socialists, gay Indians, what's not to love. It's definitely the most serious roll I've played ever, and I got to say "Damned huns" quite a bit.

After the show, there was a little "Come back and talk about the show" with everyone (basically where the writer and composer get to toot their horns about how high-flutin their production was). That was a little weird. To be honest, I thought the actual play was decent, but not amazingly awesome. There were some problems I had: there seemed to be a gay relationship just to have a gay relationship, you never really understand exactly how or why the main dude at the front is feeling about everything because all his talking is done through letters, and the fact it is supposed to be an actual opera kinda blows my mind.

The other weird thing is that the rehersal process was only 6 days. It was kinda weird, because we kinda got to know all the other people, but then *poof* it's over after one performance. Whateva. At least I got my foot in the drama department. And a reason to buy one really sharp looking shirt.

And I found out that a girl I thought was Amish was lying to me the whole time. That was insane.

Bustin up a decent Christmas dinner,

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

War....what IS it good for?

No, this is not a political manifesto. Rather, it is a plug for the show I'm in, "Son at the Front." Hey listen to these exciting scene setters: 1917, Oklahoma (yes, there are beautiful mornings), Indians? Hey, it's a modern piece of drama. Something has to be gay to "give it edginess."

So this is a fun staged reading where we walk around and dramatically read the script. Crazy times. I, the Barry, play Alfred Hill, the son at the front's stepdad (yes, I know for those who have followed my illustrious acting career, this is the third, maybe fourth, father figure I've played. I'm dealing with it).

The craziest thing about this play is that we started rehersals last Friday and it goes on Thursday night. Pretty quick turn-around, I'd say. But it's a good time, and I'm pretty excited. Except now I have to find some slacks to buy. Story of my life.

And I have to wake early tomorrow to try to find some exceedingly hard to find fabric swatches for my "crafts for the stage" (read "sewing") class on Wednesday. I went all the way to friggin Evanston today to find that store only had one of the three samples I needed. And with my ka-razy rehersal schedule this week, it's hard to find any time to go on a Textile Adventure. Oh, in case you were wondering, the fabric I have to find is "wool melton." Hey, it's used to make army coats, in case you are ever on some sort of Domestic Jeopardy.

That made me think "The Wool Meltons" would be a good rock band name, considering the whole miltaristic meaning behind stuff and stuff. Humor me.

Don't make me wool your melton,

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Barry is Angry

So, my computer crashed Thursday. I don't even know. I came into my room, and it was showing the "blue screen of death" as the techies here lovingly refer to it. So I went down to Resnet and low and behold, the Resnet guy was a guy who I partied with the previous weekend (and who I have now found out is like 30 and a creeeeeeeper). It was just a little awkward. Finally, I got into the main Resnet area and after about a half-hour they started asking me things like "Straight up, did you drop it?" Then they told me it was basically toast.

So then I got back to the dorm and called HP tech support. I was on hold for about 35 minutes jamming out to some interesting muzac, when Raj came to my aid. Somehow, he was able to get me to restart Windows. I don't even know. But I do know I lost all my freakin stuff, including my all-important food journal for my Virtious Eating class. But what's the most disappointing thing of all is that I lost all my music. We're talking like 1333 songs or something. So, to all you people who network through iTunes, I regret to tell you that the Barry Musicporium is going to be down until further notice. sad face.

Glad to get that off my chest. Now I'm going to enjoy my last weekend of summer weather.

Playin with the queen of hearts,

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Listen her, fool

Hey, here's a crazy music update for you. Y'all should look up the band Supersystem. Me and a buddy heard their CD playing at the Virgin Music Store on Michigan Ave, and I immediately went online and bought if off of Amazon (for like 8 bucks cheaper than if I got it at the store, quite frugal, I know). I just freakin got it today, and to be honest, it rocks my socks. I think I may use the track "White Light/White Light" in the new movie I have in production (its in screenwriting stage right now, but just you wait) But that's a little down the road.

I also got the go-ahead to write a mondo article for the Phoenix (our dear little newspaper here at Loyola) about the upcoming Chicago International Film Festival. I'm hoping for some free passes, but we shall see.

Other than that, I hate fire alarms, because I have a feeling that another one is going to go off, no Hey, maybe none will happen now. Thanks, Karma.

Live from ma dorm,

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hooray for Cold-eeze

Before I thought, I found a Voltaire quote I thought would make this blog look sophifisticated and witty so here it is:

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. - Voltaire

Ohh, yes. Ohh. Yes.

Not gonna lie, today was a pretty happy day for me. Except for the fact I was sick all day, and now not very fun stuff is coming out of my nose. TMI--I don't care, it's my freakin blog. But I thought I might throw up all day, but it's not like I'm nauseus, it's almost like I'm going to cough so hard I'll throw up. Hey, man, I've done it before.

Enough about my bodily functions. Do you know why today is a pretty good day? Two reasons: One, I got casted in the Staged Readings. I'm playing the part of Alfred, which I think is a smaller part (I have the script, I just haven't read it yet) but whateva. At least I broke in to the Loyola Theatre (oh, yes, the other way to spell Theater) without having to give out too many blowjobs.......

The other reason today was good was because I nailed (nailed) a job in Evanston. I'll be some guy who makes sandwiches at Cosi (you should come and visit. Chances are I'll never know you were there, but you can tell me about it later. Or you could take the easy route and lie)....

So even though my immune system is in the toilet, my self-esteem is not.

Barry. Out.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

An Observation

I realized the other day that I suck at talking. I mean not in the sense I'm retarded, but when I'm talking to other people in passing, I somehow am able to screw up talking. Example: I'm walking around campus, and a cute chick I met earlier walks pass and says "What's up?" and I say "Nice." WTF. I think there has to be a short-circuit between my brain my mouth.

The same thing happens on the phone. I don't think you can get the full "Barry" effect while talking to me on the phone, because I very well might

I HATE FREAKIN FIRE ALARMS....this may seem a little random, but just as I started to get into my main discourse, the fire alarm went off (I have heard rumors it had to do with some hanky panky with a hot pocket). I was fully ready just to stay in my room until it was over. However, I was listening through my door and I heard that they going to check every room. So I grabbed my stuff and left. This will make the second fire alarm tonight and the tenth one so far. What a joke. I think I may set someone on fire in my anger.

anyway, where were we? Oh yeah, how I can't talk on the phone, because I don't have a good response mechanism, as in you'll say "Have a good night" and I'll say "Nothing much."

And now I have a cold, which I think is directly link to the fact I was out on a pier in Lake Michigan at 4 in the morning. Then it started pouring. I guess I did jump in some puddles, too, though. Whatev. I'm going to eat a pretzel. And set my bed on fire in protest.

Man is a product of his experiences (Thanks, Ronnie),

Saturday, September 09, 2006

One Sketchy Night

Lemme just tell you one thing I love about Loyola on a weekend night---it's like one huge multi-block high school party. To be honest there's not a whole lot of actual alcohol transfer, but there are huge groups of random drunk people running the streets, and then there's the random drunk chicks everywhere. Thinking back, I prolly should of helped some of them home considering they were by themselves and could get raped by any random homeless dude. Meh, their loss.

Anyway, last night was pretty intense. I didn't fall asleep until 7 this morning. No joke. Then I did laundry. And played ping pong. That's beside the point.

The night kinda sorta officially started at 9 o'clock, when me and my floor-buddy Costis (he's Greek, don't blame him) went to this one party we had heard about. We got there, and there were five guys watching Platoon. Now I do love Charlie Sheen, but we had bigger fish to fry. So we went back to the dorm and hung out in this one chick's room, mostly waiting for other people. Then we went out to the "ashtray," the name lovingly given to the statue of St. Iggie and the surronding garden where everyone lights up their sin sticks. We waited some more, but I got a free snack wrap from McDonald's so it's all good.

Finally, we decided not to go back to the Platoon party cause that's where everyone else was going. So we went to this place on Loyola, which was pretty hoppin' for about 15 minutes, which is when they went dry and kicked everyone out.

We kinda walked around. I ran after someone, tripped, and got taken out by the sidewalk. I still have this giant scrape on my arm. It sucks. After that painful encounter, we went to the party I was personnally invited to, a theater department party (woo-hoo). That was alright, but everyone was really drunk already, and we had the cops to deal with, so we busted out and went to this other party on a street I don't even remember.

The guys there didn't want us to pay, they just requested that three of the six girls we were with would flash them. I figured this would get interesting, but the darn chicks thought this would somehow effect their dignity, so we just kinda slid in anyway. We got in just as a fight was breaking out and we had to leave.

Now here comes the high-light of the evening. We ran into some guy outside some bar who knew one of the girls we were with. After very little pleading, he went in and got us some stuff. Which we consumed in a Dark Ally. We then got chased away by a homeless man. We went to some frat the guy used to be a part of, where we were until 4. Then we went back to the dorm because some fool was getting sick, and I hung out in one of the girl's home until 6. I finally got to bed around 7. Crazy times.

Whew....what a tale. Well, I'm freakin cold right now, so I'm gonna sign off.

---The Barry

PS: If you were a random drunk chick that I passed and then you got taken advantage of by some homeless guy, I apologize.

I'm such a nice guy.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

A Trip to Club Janky

First things first, I found a Dave Berry (he could be listed under my 'heros' section) quote that I thought was inspirational:

"I can win an argument on any topic, against any opponent. People know this, and steer clear of me at parties. Often, as a sign of their great respect, they don't even invite me."

Hardy har. Anyway, today was pretty cool for a Friday. I tried to do laundry, which was a laugh and a half. I couldn't figure out how to work the dryer, and I had a class in like an hour, so I just stuffed all my crap back into a hamper and tried to air it out in my room. It's kinda weird to admit, but I'm all about keeping it real.

Then I went to my exciting Virtuous Eating class, and my rather non-intellectual philosophy course, and then back to my room.

The Jes Fest was the next stop. Leave it to the Jesuits to throw a wild party. Those Ursuline sisters can suck it. There was free pizza and chicken wings and a cover band and an inflatable fun-times stuff....basically the craziest party Loyola has seen all year (oh, yeah, I never mentioned the party I was at that ended in a fight....I'll leave that for another day).

Then I had callbacks for 'The Pitchfork Disney.' Not gonna lie, I thought it went pretty well. I guess we'll see. There were about 6 guys trying out for three parts, so I guess I'll find out tomorrow if I was one of the lucky ones. I'm keeping positive.

And finally, there was the adventure that gave this wicked sweet post it's title. Through facebook and other resources, I've been talking to this Kelly girl, who went to one of the girl's schools in Toledo and knows a lot people I know. So she invited me to go clubbin with her and her friends. Club Mambo. Sounds exciting, no? Anyway, I everyone gets ready and we leave at like 10:30. After an El ride and two bus rides, we ended up in the hood and went to this Club Mambo. It was freakin 10 bucks to get in; my last bill besides the $2 bill I have in my wallet...So we start out on the dance floor, most of the stuff is hispanic hip-hoppity stuff. And I don't know if you've ever been a girl in a group of girls at a club or not, but as soon as you get out there, guys just swarm you. The six girls I was with were not enthralled. I told them later that if you go to a club you're kinda expected to dance with someone of the opposite sex, but that got quickly shot down.

And here's just a little tip for all of y'all fellas out there. Although it may seem pretty pimp to go to club with all girl's and you be the only guy, after doing it twice, I've realized it's not the best option. Not that I have a big problem with estrogen, there's just a lot of it. Always bring a buddy. Good talk.

So we busted outta the club after each of the girls got grinded on by a certain number of thirty year-old Mexican dudes, even though I kinda was having an alright time, but whateva, majority rules.

Then we had some transportation blunders and found out the buses actually don't run at all hours of the night. And sometimes the El takes a really long time to pick you up. And once you get on the El, it also takes a long time. Long story short, left the club at 12:30, didn't walk onto campus until 2:45. Lucky for us, we found out their was a fire drill that we missed. That's always cool.

Psyche. I started writing this blog, and the fire alarm went off again. So I got to go out in style, dressed in ma club ware, while everyone else was in pajamas and drunk. That is what we like to call in the business "karma." Whatever. I'm not bitter. I don't actually want to burn something down now like my floormates. Now it's like 4 in the morning, so I better get some sleep before tomorrow.

meet me in the mall, it's goin down,

Friday, September 01, 2006


There have been some exciting new happenings in my life since my last post. Alright, nothing really that exciting, but I won't bore you with how semi-non-exciting everything truly is, and I'll lead you to believe everything is incredibly super.

My first-ever college auditions were tonight. I tried out for "The Pitchfork Disney," this crazy British show about these 28-year old neurotic twins whose only subsidence is chocolate and sleeping pills. I decided that between this and A Midsummer Night's Dream, this was the more f'ed up of the two, so I choose this one. My audition piece was actually from the play (it was this weird monologue about frying a snake), and I think I did pretty well. Call-backs are tomorrow, so I guess we'll see. Plus, there were only four other guys trying out, and there are three male rolls in the play. I think my odds are decent to favorable.

Tonight was also the first meeting for the Phoenix, the Loyola Newspaper. I think I'm going to try to get in the "Diversions" section, because that's where I can review all sorts of cool stuff, like music, and movies, and food, and other stuff, and Wicked. Anyway, that's the goal. And, anything I review, I either get to keep or get into free, and usually early. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.

And now the weekend is coming up, so I gots to find lots of cool, fun, city stuff to do.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something else. In my spare time (which there seems oe a lot of), I'm working on my great American novel. It's basically about this guy who kills people. Pretty original, I know. So, if you see around tippity-typing on my laptop, you can say, "There goes a talented individual." Either that, or "What a loser. He's on facebook like 24/7" Hey, you won't be totally correct.

Barry Out.