Monday, December 31, 2007
Hoppy New Year!!!
Important things have happened since my last post.
Namely, my birthday.
Yes, now I enter the third decade of my life. I am 20. Yes, a very big deal. What did I get for my birthday? More DVDs. That's pretty much all I got this year. Lots and Lots of DVDs. Whatevs.
I spent my birthday at Don Pablos with a few select friends, and then watched the third Pirates of Carribean (which still sucked) and then we all left. I went over to the house my other friend was housesitting, and we chilled for awhile. We got bored, so we went and hung out a bit at the 24 hour Kroger they have in Sylvania. We bummed around there for quite awhile, touching meat, examining cheeses, looking wistfully at beer that I am still to young to purchase. We finally decided to pick up a 12 pack of Jones Soda (Made from Real Cane Sugar!). I had three of them starting around 1 AM. I was up until 8.
Kinda had a bit of a freakout around 5. I drove to this abondoned park by my house and watched the sun rise over the trees. And then I drove home and crashed. Memorable birthday, I suppose.
And then tonight there should be some drinking, I believe...
HAPPY 2008!
P.S. 2007, you suck!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Is There Life After Nog?
Not to be bitter, but Christmas kinda sucked this year. Not much more than usual, but still sort of disappointing. Got some gift cards, some DVDs, cologne, and a nice coat, which was pretty cool. Also, next year I'm definitely mentioning somewhere that I want NO pajama pants. I now have four pairs. I don't care if they're easy to size.
And then I started thinking, well, Barry, maybe it's not about the presents, maybe it's about being together with family. And then I saw that my sister was crying because she thought she didn't have enough presents. I wanted better presents.
Like a Wii. And Guitar Hero.
But I did get the Planet Earth DVD series. That was cool.
Hopefully Christmas Round II (aka my Birthday) will be better.
Happy Boxing Day!
-Barry Christmas
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Christmas Wishes
-Some DVDs
-A decent pea coat
-A new car
-A girlfriend
-Stable family
-Better friends
-A dependable income
-Less depression and/or more prescriptions
-Not to have a heart attack before I'm 38
-Purpose, if there's enough time
Yeah, pretty standard I bet.
Happy Holidays,
**Actually, this is based off a rant my friend went off on at a party that I thought was worth repeating
Friday, December 21, 2007
Since I've Been Back
Monday, December 17, 2007
Last College Weekend, 2007
My roommate left at like 8 this morning, so I had to help him move his furniture six inches away from the walls in accordance with Loyola policy, all while still a little drunk. Then I slept until noon, made a really big breakfast (I'm trying to polish off as much food as I can, because I don't want it too just rot here, don't judge), took a shower, walked around and smoked the last cigar I had here, and ended the day with watching Natural Born Killers, The Departed, and Volver. I kinda figured Volver could maybe count as studying for my Spanish exam tomorrow.
This weekend as a whole has been entertaining enough. Big partay Friday at the soon-to-be-former big theatre party apartment. Lots of booze, people, music, and dancing like idiots.
Saturday was alright too. My roommate somehow convinced me to go to one of his frat parties, which involved walking around during a midnight blizzard. There I drank with some bros, listened to college boy classics such as Sublime and the occasional Dave Matthews, and watched my roommate get destroyed in beer pong, all the while honing my game-spittin skills. I ended up with pictures of me and this girl posing with the Nativity statues. Oh Christmas.
In the end, I was drunk and listening to Daft Punk in the middle of a snowstorm. For some reason I was really freaking out at that point. Who knew.
El Barry
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Three Days
Finals are pretty much done, just have my Spanish 101 on Monday. It will suck.
Just got back from a big theatre going away party, pretty sweet. Danced like a moron for a large portion of it. There was actually a time when two friends and myself were doing our rendition of "You're Just Too Good to Be True" while people were making out. What can I say, love just drips from our voices. Classy.
Oh yeah,
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Directing scenes went up Saturday. I was in three of them. Two of them I had my hair slicked back into a pony tail.
Apparently people thought I did alright, although I tell them I don't want to hear it (although, secretly, I do....believe it or not).
Now a little over a week here, two finals, one skit, one acting scene, and I have to build a model set for an opera. Good times.
Did I mention I was cast in Guys and Dolls? I did? Well, hear it again, loser.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Suits and Boobs
I am the same part I had in eigth grade.
Harry the Horse. It is awesome. Every line I have is marvelous.
I'll be happy if I get through tomorrow. Two papers due. As of now, one is finished.
Why do I talk in fragments? Unknown.
Getting drunk as soon as my classes are over tomorrow.
Oh, wait, I have a bunch of directing scene rehearsals, which go up Saturday.
Getting drunk soon after those are finished.
It's good to have goals,
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Something to Ponder
Coming back from Thanksgiving, I noticed that over the days more and more of my food was missing than what should be. Then I figured out that my beloved sheep from back home snuck into my suitcase and now was loose in my dorm. And I was like, "Great! I love my sheep. She'll fit in awesomely. Bet she'll be a total chick magnet too." So I decided to keep her around, take her on walks, shear her for clothes, etc...
And then I woke up and realized that I have never owned a sheep.
I think it means that subconciously I really want a pet sheep.
Or more sweaters.
It snowed today. Hardcore.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Christmastime is Here
I think I got them:
5. "Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime" by Paul McCartney
4. "The Chipmunk Song" by Alvin and the Chipmunks feat. Dave
3. "Do They Know It's Christmastime at all?" by Rock Stars for Africa or whatever
2. "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" by some little girl
and, the number one best Christmas song:
1. "The Christmas Shoes" by New Song
Merry Christmas,
Remember what the Doormouse Said....
Had the first readthrough of "Burial at Thebes" (Antigone) tonight. I didn't do a whole lot of reading--your's truly is a non-speaking gaurd (sorry, I'm trying not to come off as bitter. I'm sure the word "douche-bag" is being tossed around). It actually looks like it should be pretty cool. And I get a samauri sword, which will be an absolute blast off-stage.
Tomorrow I have auditions for Charles Mea's Big Love, which is a bizarre play.
Saturday are auditions for "Guys and Dolls" or, as some of the majors lovingly refer to it, "Suits and Boobs."
These next two weeks are going to be nutty to the max,
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thanksgiving Reflections
Basically, Thanksgiving has been pretty good.
The family and myself traveled down to Columbus to spend Thanksgiving with my aunt and her cats. For some reason, we actually brought our new kitten along, so there were more cats than usual. They get pretty vicious after poking them in the stomach awhile. My hands are decently scratched up. They jump around a lot though, which sometimes is better than TV.
The food was good. Turkey, ham, punkin pie, green bean crap, mashed potatoes, stuffing, etc. Basically what I've been living on the past few days. I think I might take a whole pie back to school with me if there is a way to carry it.
Black Friday sucked. Woke up at 4:15, traveled to a billion different places, and decided the lines were not worth a $5 DVD. Father did buy breakfast, though.
P.S. The Taco Bell in the Westfield Shopping Mall in Toledo, Ohio sucks hard.
Monday, November 19, 2007
I Should Be Packing
Enjoy my new fr-fr-fresh track. Comin atcha....
Crazily Lovestoned,
Barry and the On Occasions
Almost Thanksgiving
But that is life.
Good weekend.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Let the Good Times Roll
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Some Late Fall Leaf Haikus
You sitting there in the street
Watch out for my shoes
Falling red leaf drifts
to the sidewalk in the night...
Now you are wet, deal.
Hey, leafblower man;
So loud and aggravating
You go buy a rake
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
As I Wait for "Say You, Say Me" to Finish Downloading....
I was finally put on film--look out for a24a, starring me, Barry, as Leo the researcher/musician/pot dealer. It really didn't take too long, and everyone was like, "Whoa, Barry, you're so natural." But all seven episodes are being edited as I write this. I'm only featured in the second one, so that's prolly all I'll post here. I'm pretty important though, believe you me.
Other than that, I got decently plastered on cheap beer Saturday night. Then my associate Bohrs and myself went to the 24 hour "De Lux" Diner. I got breakfast, and even though I was intoxicated the whole time, the french toast was most exceptional. We got there around 2 AM, we left at 4:15. There was much drunken pounding on the table on my part--lots of points to make. It was most likely more than a little funny to those around us. However, we discussed some interesting things, and I realized I need to read "I Am Legend." It was also interesting because I never really had a enlonged dialogue with Bohrs, but we must click kinda well to talk for two hours when I was toasted. Good people, good people.
Good people,
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Barry, American Hero
My friend Drew and I were innocently waiting for the El to go see a show on Thursday night, roughly 7:00 PM.
Then Drew goes, "Hey, a fire."
He was noticing the giant reflection of some sort of blaze that we could see bouncing off the side of the building next to my dorm. We moved further down the El platform to get a better look, and we saw that the gazebo in the little kid's garden was engulfed in flames. It was crazy.
And I was like, "Do we call 911?"
Drew goes "mumble, mumble." I took this as affirmation.
I whipped out my phone and punched in 9 1 1 Send. My phone said "Calling: Emergency" and I was like, you better believe it. After one ring someone picked up, and I was like, "Yo, I'd like to report a fire." She connected me to the Chicago Fire Department, and I gave the intersection and all the other information, and the operator was all, "Alright, we've got a truck on the way. Thank you."
Of course, I said, "No need to thank me, sir. Just doing my civic duty."
So now I have a mad story about how I saved a gazebo/some apartment buildings (and therefore, innocent lives)/the city of Chicago/ America. Don't tell me I'm blowing this out of proportion. When was the last time you ever saved your country??
And now some people are trying to slander me by spreading rumors that I actually started the fire.
I guess once you get to the top, you find out who your real friends are.
Model Citizen Barry
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Picking out ma classes
And that is what I did today. I didn't have to go to practicum! Hooray! My roommate finally crumbled and bought much needed bread and milk! Huzzah!
But the most exciting thing was that I get to pick out new classes. Try not to wet yourself, but it's the OFFICIAL PRE-PREMENENT BARRY COLLEGE 2008 SCHEDULE::::: (get ready)
Characterization II
Theatre History II (not cool)
Dramatic Lit I
Arabic II (possibly)
and of course,
Classical Modern Philosophy 309 (wa-wa-whoa!)
Like Lee Perry, I'm very...
The Barry
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Do you know who rocks?
Someone now has video footage of me playing guitar hero--more than a little intensely. I'm hoping they do not surface anywhere. Or do I?
Barry. Out.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Some Updates and Such
Also, I finished my first play, "Ego Trippin At The Gates of Hell." I'm pumped about it, but I'm gonna let it rot on my comp for a few months, revise it, and then submit it to a few trusted people for opinions. In the meantime, I'm working on "Jesus Done Left Chicago," my exploration of Purgatory. I guess I'm on some sorta Dante-ish quest. We'll see where it goes.
Be ease,
The Barry
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Today I recieved the call from these one24one alphashoreavenue (whatever) people. This is the web-based TV show I somehow got involved in through a Loyola Phoenix ad. So he calls me right before Spanish class and tells me he wants to have be more involved in the project, which includes this production meeting on Friday.
And then I picked up a copy of today's Phoenix and saw on the back another ad. It was the main guy asking for a personal assistant to balance his school and other things. What was he paying? $80 a week for an hour a day, plus a free iPhone. This led me to wonder: "Who the f is this guy?" Who gives away a free iPhone for some crap like that? And a really cool book thing to some bum who just answers an open casting call????
I feel like I'm looking down the rabbit hole right now. And Alice (read: Barry) is about to plunge in. And although I'm a little weirded out about this whole thing. I'm thinking the rabbit hole might be the way to go anyway. At least it's sorta exciting.
I'm just hoping this doesn't turn out to be some how porn-related.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Jersey Boys

Now I have like every Frankie Valli and the Four Season song stuck in my head. The production was awesome, there was one moment where they were singing to upstage as lights flashed--basically it looked like the image on the poster. Wow. And Frankie Valli's voice was phenom.
That's been the highlight of the week so far. I've had to do some stage design crap, but other than that this week is pretty made in the shade.
P.S. Oh, what a night.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Digging in the Dirt
This weekend was chockful of stuff.
Friday I went and saw the Loyola production of Wit, which is about this female professor with Ovarian cancer. I was actually somewhat surprised that it was remarkably good. The actress that played the woman was on stage the entire 2 hours, and she really carried the show. Overall, I was really impressed with everyone. After the show, Chris lured me with alcohol to go watch 30 Days of Night instead of going straight to the cast party. The movie was awful, but getting drunk to it was really nice. I almost threw my empty gin bottle at the screen, but instead dropped it loudly on the ground in protest. It was a fun experience. The fat bad cop from Batman Begins was in it, and I give full support to any fat person in a movie. The cast party was alright, not the best, but not bad. Whatever.
Saturday I auditioned for this web tv thing. I'm still pretty sketchy on the details, but they have a lot of cool merchandise. I got a pen with a USB port on it and this really nice leather journal thing. It seems pretty legit, there is free food involved, and I have a speaking part as this research assistant guy. Whatever, I'm just gonna hump my lines like no other and see where it goes. It's a professional production team, so maybe I'll make a name for myself. I'm not that excited--I have a feeling the story is going to be sorta lame, but at the same time I'm really excited I'm doing it. I'll keep y'all updated, even though I'm kinda keeping this underwraps in real life.
Other than that, I saw Jitney for free at the Pegasus Players. I love August Wilson plays. One of our professors was the director, and he did a cracker-jack job. There were some amazing scenes. And I don't think I ever felt carthasis like I did at the end of that show before. It was great. Then we did the ol' musical powerhour and everyone was happy once again.
Today I fumbled around on the interweb, drew my scene design, and did my freakin acting journal. We have to have an entry for every class up to now, which I did tonight. My hands be acheing.
I'm getting increasingly excited about my scene design for As You Like It. I'm doing it under the sea--kelp forests and pearls. It's gonna be cool kids.
In your eyes,
P.S. I can be your bumper car bumping.
I had to round that out.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A Quickie
Costume in Burial samauri-inspired. Barry excited.
Mid-terms were easier than expected.
Darjeeling Limited--good movie.
Auditioning for Rogers Park web-tv show. Watch out.
Office tonight. Then Micheal Clayton. Then alcohol.
Seeing Wit tomorrow. We'll see.
Listened to Chris Issak's "Wicked Game" like 30 times already today. WTF?
Killing in the name of,
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Stress and other things
I had two midterms today, I have three big sketches due for design tomorrow, and I have a major paper due Thursday. Uh-oh.
Actually, today wasn't that bad. I thought I was going to be killed twice. Yet, it wasn't too bad. I didn't do supergreat, but I def didn't get all killt. It was almost inspiring. So whenever you're feeling down, just think about me. And stuff will be alright forever for you. Uncle Barry promises.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Here's To Me
I guess I have a reason to drink tonight. Hooray!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
My Cosmic Autumn Rebellion
Huzzah for fall! It is finally the right temperature for this time of year, you SUV-driving SOB. It is finally in the 50's and 60's, right where it should be.
And that means fall break. Yes, I went back to the 734 for the weekend, and it was interesting. My family now possesses a new little kitten that my little sister found. It's pretty cute, but it matches with our floors, so I was constantly worried that I was going to step on it and not even know. Kittens are interesting to watch--the whole world seems new to them. If only my life was filled with that much adventure. Alas, that is the rub.
Other than that, I got drunk with some old friends. I actually finally hung out with one of my best friends from middle school who had just turned 21. We got some Corona and talked seriously for like 5 hours. As this was happening, his little sister (and my sophomore year homecoming date) was detoxing in the next room from her oxy addiction. Funny how people turn out.
Tonight was "Burial at Thebes" auditions, which is basically a fancy title for the Greek tragedy "Antigone." I think it went purty good. We shall see soon. Cross yo fingers, fool.
Flagpole Sittin,
--The Barry
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Despite All my Rage
Look at that sexy Jukebox. My crowning achievement.
Smoke Barry's Brand Cigarettes-Get Laid-Get Friends-And Healthy For You Too!
This is for my n-words,
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Loyola put on Sammy Beckett's "Waiting for Godot," and I saw it twice, two nights in a row. It was the greatest stage production I have seen yet. I can't even explain it--I am blown. Because of my non-luck at auditions so far this year, I've been deeply questioning if I even want to act. Seeing this totally reaffirmed my love. I want to be able to cause such deep reactions.
The cast party was pretty bumpin, fun times has by all. I left at like 4:20, and listened to a bunch of Patsy Cline back home.
Today I had to memorize my lines for "As You Like It" for my Characterization class, so I took the el with the hope of getting somewhere. I ended up at the Merchandise Mart, whose name is strangely misleading. It's pretty lame. There is this place called the "Chopping Block," which has cooking classes, which I think I might take up. After I picked up a schedule, I sat in McDonald's for an hour and memorized my scene.
Then I sorta wondered the streets for awhile. It was a weird audio-visual experience featuring the Flaming Lips. Lots of musing on how bizarre the concepts like God, existence, and the general human condition are. I just kinda went wherever the light said "Walk, Barry." I probably almost got hit by buses on numerous occasions. I ended up at Trader Joe's, where I got some espresso finally, along with some really good peanut butter cups. Pretty good adventure.
I came up with the concept of a short play I might pursue--"Ego Trippin At the Gates of Hell." We'll see if I have the motivation to actually finish this one.
And tomorrow I have to create a whole little model set for "Master Harold...And the Boys," which takes place in Apartheid South Africa. It'll be interesting. I'll put up pictures.
Selassie I dub,
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I Once Rescued Oppossums From the Road. They Later Died.
I applied for more jobs today--I'm having doubts about these chocolate people. I applied to the B&N and Starbucks in Evanston, we'll see how that goes. I also put myself on the Opinion Wizard list. There are signs on the el proclaiming "Who Cares What You Think?" and a little wizard dude replies "We Do!" Hopefully the little douche won't lie. I had to tell this semi-obnoxious lady a bunch of weird personal information.
Hopefully soon I'll be whoring out my opinions for money.
I can't wait!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Some time
In the end, I really hope that Ethel's calls me back for an interview. I'll probably call them tomorrow sometime. We shall see how that goes.
Other than that, not a whole lot has been going on. I'm one of the four sophomores putting on the Fresh Faces party this Friday (basically where we get all the freshman drunk). There has been some rabbling among certain parties that I'm in charge of cleaning up afterwards, but they are lieing to themselves if they think I'm the right man for that job. I mean, c'mon.
Dig it,
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Frosted Mini-Wheat Thoughts and Theories
I think however, they sort of present a metaphor for my present state. I realized Monday that the past three weeks I have been strangely depressed. Probably more depressed than I have at any other point in college so far. I think it's been a combination of things, including a big fight with my parents and me not getting into a show this semester.
Fortunately, though, I think I'm pulling through pretty well now. I've done a lot of self-re-evaluation the past two days, and I actually feel a lot happier. I felt out of balance and without purpose. I sat down and figured out what direction I want to go in, which includes a renewed dedidication to acting and getting a job that I really want. So far so good. I have reconciled with my family. I've put a lot of thought into my characterization scene, and I think I have a really good shot at this job I applied for at a fancy-schmancy Chocolate Lounge in Evanston. And I have been listening to a lot of White Stripes.
Yeah, I know this post is pretty lame. Think of it as an open letter, to you. Personally, I mean it. Nobody else can read this. Here's to you, reader.
With love,
Friday, September 14, 2007
Free Chipotle and Other Thoughts
Other than that, times are good. I'm gonna turn in my application tomorrow at a tropical fish store in Old Town. I already called, and they seemed mildly interested. I think it'll go well. Also tomorrow, I'm going to see that new Beatles movie musical, "Across the Universe." I've heard mixed things about it, but it looks crazy enough to be really good. I'll report back, never you worry, loyal reader.
Also, Courtney and myself will hopefully see that Rilo Kiley on Saturday. I think I can swing some decently discounted tix off Craigslist. Cross your fingers. And maybe your toes.
Who rocks the party (rocks the party),
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
100 posts
So I after getting called back for 4 of 6 male roles in Diviners, I did not get a part. This means I'm essentially out of theatre productions until late this semester, with the exception of directing scenes, etc.
I'm trying to keep it positive. Thinking I'll get a job with the extra time. We shall see.
Did you see High School Musical's Vanessa Hudgens nude photos?
I did,
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Shot through the heart, and You're to Blame
I've gone through two auditions, one callback, and nine classes. The classes aren't so bad, characterization (basically, intro to Shakespeare), ancient philosophy, spanish 101 taught by a guy who can barely speak English, Arabic 101, stage design, and theatre stuff all around. And I kinda already have a huge project due on Wednesday.
Loyola held auditions for productions of 'Arcadia' on the mainstage and 'Wit' in the studio, and I'd be cool to get into either one (Arcadia moreso than Wit). However, I totally blew my monologue. Both times. I think Tuesday night might've been my worst auditions of all time. I world get through a few lines, start thinking, hey Barry, doing pretty good, let's not screw up, get pulled out of the moment, and then everything would shatter apart. I forgot words and had to repeat sentences. It really sucked, and I was pretty depressed after the fact.
However, I somehow made callbacks for Arcadia. Those were pretty meh. I waited around for an hour, read for one scene, and then the director said, "alright, there's nothing I can really give direction-wise" and we let go. I'll see tomorrow if I made it. Here's hoping. I've already made good use of the leftover tequila, so everything's pretty cool.
And I also was ask to help plan the fresh faces party, basically where the older theatre kids get the freshman drunk. Myself and three other friends of mine (none of us really are that hip to the idea) have to get a location, set a date, and raise money. Whatever.
I think I'm going to see Herbie Hancock tomorrow night.
-The Barry
Monday, August 27, 2007
The Barry is Back
"Oh, hey," I said, "how's it going?"
"I just woke up in the hospital."
Yes, I am back in college.
We kinda chilled here for my first night, I unpacked my things, tried to figure out my TV, etc., etc. Fransico, myself, my friend Courtney who transferred here from JC (and a member of our Toledo Cru), and two of Fransico's friends drank a little in our new wicked sweet room Saturday night. Not gonna lie, I was sweetly surprised when I stepped in. We got like a table, and some cool chairs, and a stove, and a fridge, it's not what I expected at all. We still need to get groceries and install the putting green, but it will come with time.
Today I helped set up Fransico's stuff, and then went downtown with Courtney and her roommate to see some old friends and get dinner. They got a truly loaded English roommate who buys $80 bottles of champagne. Some people have all the luck. Not this guy.
Well maybe.
Then I went off to the beach with my theatre friends who were quite high. I borrowed a play to get monologue for Tuesday's auditions (I freakin know). And I figured out my class schedule for tomorrow, and added some 300-level Ancient Philosophy to the mix. Semi-productive. Always sexy.
Welcome back,
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Today I went to Swedish design paradise insanity IKEA in Canton, MI to get stuff for ma new dorm. Pretty exciting, I know. All in all, I spent about ten dollars. I got a rug, two coffee mugs, a wine glass, a dish towel, two picture frame things, a measuring thing set, and a threesome of cooking stuff (as in a spatula, a giant fork, and a giant spoon). Wow, if my life could get any more exciting. Basically, Drew and I spent the day hitting each other with random found objects, some hurt more than others.
I have three more days here, and I have still a lot of people to see. It doesn't seem like a big deal, cause I'm sure I'll be back for breaks, but it still kinda is. I think I'm a little nervous to get back into the routine after spending most of the summer watching Spongebob. Loyola already has auditions for Arcadia on the 28th, two days after classes start. I have yet to start thinking about a monologue. Some people might toss around the word totally screwed, but I'm not some people.
Stressed in Bedford,
Monday, August 20, 2007
And then Drew, who drove with me, shattered the hookah. Good times, indeed. Everyone was a little sad, but everything was settled (except for one cat, who was really, really pissed/drunk/sick for awhile, but that's a different story). I was half-worried they might kick Drew out and then I would be stuck going home waaay early and be in quite the awkward situation in general. In the end, I think my good chi was able to overcome all the bad chi that follows Drew by principle.
I finally got home around 5 AM, and then set my phone for 10 AM, because I had to open at President at 11. Then I woke up at 10:58. My phone had died. I flew around the house, a blur of water and pants and tie. I finally got to the store and had the drawer counted at 11:22. We'll see what happens, but I'm none to worried. I bank a lot on the fact that everyone loves me.
I spent the day staring blankly into space, talking with the other dude who came in at noon and just moved in to the University of Toledo, and trying to find prices on cocktail shakers for Barry's superdorm (Coming to you live, August 25th, 2007).
The rest of the week is pretty dull, working like 36 hours and then moving in on Saturday. I'll prolly end up spending at least one more night in BG, but not much other than that. I kinda want to go to the IKEA in Canton on Tuesday, so we'll see how that goes. Maybe get some sexy stuff.
And I saw Superbad on Friday. Funny stuff. One of the best depictions of high school life ever on film, and even better because most of the actors are pretty lowkey. I'll tell you, with a track record of the 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, and now this, these guys are on a roll. We'll see if they can keep it going. But seriously folks, see the movie. There's alcohol, menustration, and guns. Make it happen, bub.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Friday, August 17, 2007
Working Hard For the Money
Last night I went and visited my friends' spankin new apartment in Bowling Green, and not gonna lie, it's pretty sweet. It got me thinking, uh oh, I need to amass all the stuff for my dorm. Fact: I leave in 8 days. I have yet to get a hold of my roommate to talk about what we're both bringing. Actually, I probably should be doing that than writing this. What can I say? I love each one of my fans.
Here's a list of crap off the top of my head that I want.
A good blender that will last me forever
A Big Cactus that could possibly kill me when I'm drunk and stumbling around in the dark
A Martini mixer
A light-up globe
An Interesting rug, perhaps
Really sharp knives
Walk-in humidor/gun safe
That one was a joke
My Monopoly Millenium edition
Julia Child's French Cookbook
Etc. Etc.
I got to get to President Tuxedo--and after my shift I'm hoping to catch Superbad (Hoorah!)
Give me something to believe in,
*************BARRY AND THE ON OCCASIONS NEWS********
I've actually been quiet on here about it, but me and my one-man band have been working pretty intensely on a few new mashups, and they been getting pretty semi-decent viewings on a few mashup sites. I'm working on a pretty intense one now (with like 10 songs, including Makes Me Wonder, Crazy, and LoveStoned) get pumped.
My latest, Da Superclub
50 Cent + RHCP + Gym Class Heroes + Stevie Wonder + Rick James
Another, the Cure and OutKast
And our official (albeit not very decorated) MySpace:
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Is Your Ego Satisfied?
Other than that, twelve days till move-in/move-on. Exciting. I know.
Either way, you should check this out.
I like to think I change lives with this blog. You can thank me later.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
The Return
I ain't gonna post any pics here, cause there are just too many--click on the link to see the whole album. You won't be disappointed.
Alas, the summer comes closer and closer to an end. The guy I went to Canada with leaves Sunday for Dayton (which means I have to get the $37 I owe him to him soon). It's weird to think about it, but I guess it has been like 4 months. Deep. Well, I'm ready to be rid of the 80% humidity outside here right now. It's like hitting a wall when I go outside. F you, heat index.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Adventures, etc.
I just finished packing my bag, and I think I'm pretty much set: clothes, shampoo, rape whistle...
We hope to get to Windsor by 1 PM tomorrow, maybe have a few drinks, and then it's on to a 3 hour train ride to the fourth biggest city in North America (and the second gayest city...). The hostel my buddy Eric and me are staying at is an old hotel, and apparently the Rolling Stones have stayed there, among others.
Hopefully we'll get to the CN Tower, a Blue Jays game, China town, whatevs. And lots of legal alcohol. My liver and myself are very excited. I should probably get some shut-eye, after that, it's O Canada!
Har har har.
The Baricamera is coming along, so be prepared for lots of pictures when it returns.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Barry Simpson

Saturday, July 28, 2007
Updates, etc.
I went to Cedar Point on Monday, the new Maverick is frickin amazing. I didn't really know what was so cool, but a lot of people were standing in line, and when hasn't a random mob been right? Anyway, I soon found out it ("soon" is relative, I waited 2 hours in line) it drops you at a 95 degree angle. It's pretty neato. They ask everyone to take out their earrings before entering, and that kind of confused me.
Other than that, I haven't been doing much. I'm working a little at President Tuxedo again, but I'm bored to tears there. Whatever. Life goes on.
Still alive,
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Harry Potter, etc.
Thursday I had to wake up at 4:30 AM to drive up to Westland for this job thing. I was kind of in the dark as to what I'd actually be doing (but when am I not?). We drove an hour to get up there, and then were informed that we were needed at another store and followed a manager to the new store. This guy had bad directions and we ended up getting lost for two hours (which equals twenty dollars for sitting in a car). We finally got there at around 8, and then we had to wait and eat breakfast (wouldn't want to make anyone look bad). Basically, our "job" was to switch old Farmer Jacks into the Krogers they were blossoming in to. Our morning wen like this: kinda walked around for awhile, took some breaks, tried to find the dairy cooler, took a break, stopped for lunch. This is perhaps the best job I've ever had. We finally did some work after lunch when the truck came in. We stocked some dried fruit, which consisted mostly of us attacking each other with the price-tag gun. It was heaven. And I'm getting paid for two hours of driving when I didn't even drive! Ha. Take that, system.
Then today I got my hair dyed finally. I've been planning this for like two years, but never really had a chance between jobs and shows. My friend is studying to be a hairdresser, so I was able to have her do it, and it's pretty fly. I'm pretty blonde now, and I don't even look that flaming. It took like three hours, but I like going to that place. All the girls are pretty hot (they stand around and do their hair and makeup all day, so it makes sense) and they seem to get kind of excited when younger guys come in. I'll prolly go back soon.
Finally, tonight I accompanied my bud Drew to the release of the seventh Harry Potter. I don't read the Harry Potter books. It isn't my illiteracy--I have this aversion to stuff that is so immensely mainstreamly popular. I did have the first book read to me in seventh grade, but that's as far as I got. I'm sure they are pretty good books, but for me to catch up, I'd have to read a lot of pages. And I'm too busy thinking about...tacos.
The release wasn't as crazy as I thought it would be. Some people were dressed up, but not a whole lot. I have glasses, so I think I kinda fit in. And my friend seemed to be pretty "in" with the nerd circuit. He knew a lot of people. I felt a little out of place, but whatevs. I wanted to try the whole waiting thing, and this was my last chance. I did get some free Red Bull, so I think I came out on top.
That's what she said,
P.S. Apparently, some book website accidently sent out a 1000 copies of the book before the release date, and the NY Times got their hands on one and reviewed it. See it here
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Trip out East
Times Square and my cousins looking confused.
And of course the Simpsons-themed 7/11
Yeah, the trip was kinda short, but I did make it out to the Jersey Shore as well. It was a pretty good time. Honest.
Friday, July 13, 2007
How I Saw Bob Dylan Up Close for $30 or Why Barry is the Slickest

So, naturally, my mom buys tickets for my little sister and her little friend, neither of whom have actually heard a Bob Dylan song. Now me, I'm a different story. I know, like, two. C'mon.
Anywho, my mom was just going to sit at the park outside and listen, and I was like, I'll go to. The Barry loves to free load. So the opening act begins and my mother and me are sitting across the street just chillaxing. Apparently, the opening act was Stevie Ray Vaughn's older and not-as-successful brother Jimmy Vaughn. I wasn't really into them, they were a bit too bluesily generic.
As we sit, a 50-something old woman (who was actually kinda cute for a 50-year-old) is standing in front of the entrance waving around tickets. And I felt the need to haggle so I saddled over to her and asked what we were looking at. She had a $90+ ticket that she was going to give to her friend who had come down with pneumonia, and now she had to get rid of it. I offered what was in my wallet--$30. After some well-planned nudging, she relented and sold me the ticket. The seats were amazing. We were up in the chair area (ohhhh), about 15 yards from the stage. She even bought me a water (I just don't know what to do with all my charm). This had to be one of the coolest shows I've been to, mostly because of the ticket story.
Not to say the concert wasn't crazy cool. Although Bobby D does tour a lot, this felt like a rare oppurtunity to see probably the greatest living songwriter. He comes out in a double breasted suit with this fuschia tie on and a giant gray fedora, and immediately starts playing. Apparently that's his thing--he doesn't talk. I actually heard that he was notorious for playing like three songs, getting pissed, and then leaving, but people there who had seen him 50 times assured me they never heard about that. I kinda wanted a reason to riot, but oh well.
Say what you will about his voice, Dylan has a great musical touch. And live it's even better because he pretty much redoes the songs with different melodies. And his live band is pretty kickin too, the whole thing was pretty energized. He has a much more smooth jazzy sound then on his recordings, and I actually liked to hear him live more than on the radio.
While we driving down to Bonnaroo, we had a long discussion about Dylan and the nature of art in general. My companions Dave and Evan had major problems with him, mostly that they thought he sucked at singing. Dave also said that he probably chose being a singer over merely a poet for monetary reasons, which I thought was a crock of bull. Not only does he write inciteful lyrics, Dylan writes the memorable music as well, obviously he has a lot of songwriting ability. In the end, I actually like Bob Dylan. His voice is hard to understand and somewhat abrasive, but it mixes well with the music. There is so a very tangible amount of raw emotion in his voice, too. His solos are also inciteful. He plays guitar almost like he is giving an impromptu speech. There is an element that he might not know exactly where he is going, but he always comes to a conclusive point.
Basically, if you have the chance, go see him. Especially if you can get VIP seats for $30. Hahahaha.
Tomorrow morning I head off for New Jersey. YEAH! (no) Hopefully I'll get to go to the NYC, so we shall see.
Like a rolling stone,
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Are you a dreamer?

A few nights ago I went out and rented a copy of Waking Life, a film directed by Richard Linklater. It quickly skyrocketed into the elite handful of movies that can be called "Barry's Total Favs." It's basically about a dude walking around in a lucid dream, which is a dream where you are in control. They are pretty sweet. You can like fly, punch people, and have super cool sex with like 8 hot chicks, or seven hot chicks and a dude, whatever your into. Anyway, there isn't crazy sex in this movie. It is totally rotoscoped, as in the filmmakers shot the whole movie digitally and then went in and drew over everything, which makes everything totally trippy. And there really isn't much of a plot, just this dude talking to a whole bunch of different people. And they say the most mind-blowing things. There are very few works of art that succeed in helping me get to a higher plane of existence, and this is definitely one of them.

Anyway, there's life for you.
The Barry.
Monday, July 09, 2007
88 Degrees and Rising
This weekend was pretty cool. Probably the best party I have been to all summer. Erik and myself drove his convertible into the Port Clinton sunset, which was decently moody. We got there late, everyone was already drunk. We caught up pretty well, and I was able to get ahold of some decent beer. And then these random Perrysburg high school kids came, and produced the biggest bag of...enlightenment...I had ever seen in my life. Of course I didn't tell them that; I was all like, I'm in college, I've seen quite a bit. And me being one of like two kids in our group of friends, I was able to get really enlightened. Which was really nice, since I hadn't since with our shady neighbors at Bonnaroo. And I think one friend of mine might have had a tent threesome with two of our female friends. I wasn't even jealous. Okay, maybe a little. Alright, a lot.
I got back, and then went swimming at Maumee Bay with the fam. Hooray for Lake Erie!
Other than that, I've just been chilling, flexing my alter-ego as a DJ. Speaking of which, check the post below for my two most recent mash-ups. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
And, according to my Google Analytics, nobody has visited my blog for like a week. You guys suck. Just kidding, please come back some more. I've got candy!
Desperate in Bedford,
This is Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine all acousticish and angry. He has this really cool baritone thing going, and his lyrics are pretty haunting. Go out and download.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
New Mashups for Everyone
Either way, I channeled all this energy in creating a new mashup for Barry and the On Occasions. Hope you enjoy it. One or two more, and I can create a MySpace. That'll be kinda cool.
Barry and the On Occasions Present: Battle Drop
Flaming Lips "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Pt 2" vs. Snoop Dogg "Drop it Like it's Hot"
And here is a link to another one, based basically on After the Fire's "Der Kommisar," with a little Jacko, Daft Punk, and Tag Team thrown in for good measure.
Barry and the On Occasions Present: Just Turn Around
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Knee High By Today
Then I went over to my good friend Dan's house until like 3:45 AM, where I learned more about a lucrative offer where I stock shelves at Detroit soon-to-be Krogers for $10 an hour. The catch? I have to be there at 6 AM. But I'm feeling pretty good about it.
After that, I came home, watched Swingers, and then walked around my yard like a crazy person at 5:30 AM setting off small fireworks with a cigar. A pretty interesting 4th, I must say.
I think this is the correct time and place for a hokey patriotic thing. The local Hippie-mart, the "Happy Badger," sent me, a concerned citizen on their mailing list, this today. Enjoy:
Fourth of July. “Freedom.” We see it shouted in the movies from the last breath of a dying Scottsman. “Freedom.” We feel it in our garden early each morning. “Freedom.” We see it in the eyes of a happy baby. “Freedom.”We enjoy it and battle for it every day.
“Freedom.”Feel it. Enjoy it. Fight for it. Nothing makes us feel more proud; our chests expand. “Freedom.” Nothing makes us feel more alive; craving it's passion. “Freedom.” It's a prayer that everyone can speak, and knows some Great Spirit is listening.
“Freedom.” Is there any concept more definable, more universal and more prompting of comradeship? This fourth of July, remember, honorably, the constitution signing of 1776, but rejoice and feel the fiery passion of “Freedom,”which fueled their fight. The battle for and joy of “Freedom” is waged and felt every moment in an infinite number of shapes,scenarios and stages, large, small, and even invisible.
Remember your strength comes from within, knowing “Freedom” is always yours, alive,whether born in a battle, working a garden or sharing a child's curiosity. Use it as a shield of thought against the multitude of invaders, human, man made or contrived, in every moment of life. You're always a winner when you fight for "Freedom," win your battle or not.
Rally tonight, the fourth of July for “Freedom.” Enjoy. Energize. Enlighten. Celebrate. Shout“FREEDOM! from within and to the world!” "Freedom!"
Pretty Cool, Huh?
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
I had my first ever car crash Monday. I had woken up real early (in honesty prolly like 9:45) to take my little sister to summer band. At the intersection of Temperance and Secor, some old lady ran the red light and like sheared off the front of my little '92 Honda Accord. Don't worry friends, her Rendezvous was not harmed.
Special twist. Apparently, my parents had canceled the collision insurance on the car, so we get no money to fix it, except for the automatic $500 (I have no clue how this works, this is just what I'm told) the lady's insurance will pay because it was her fault. Oh, yeah, no one was hurt.
However, even though my car is drivable, it's pretty much totaled. The front lights and bumper would have to be totally replaced, which would cost a lot.
Now, I am really considering getting rid of my car altogether, taking the $500 plus the $70 or so I'll get for scraping it, and riding my bike places. Really, I only need my car for 2 months anyway. I think it would be a cool little experiment.
However, I think my parents are kind of set on fixing the car. I guess I'll see how much that will cost. We shall see.
On another note, last night I took a nap at 7 AM, and woke up at nine this morning. What gives?
Stuff is happening,
P.S. Have a fun, yet safe, 4th of July. Huzzah!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Sicko and Stuff

Sunday, July 01, 2007
More Stuff.
Wednesday-Thursday: Port Clinton cottage. Erik's birthday. Lots of alcohol. Lake Erie. Pontoon Boat. Fun. Fun. Fun.
Friday-Saturday: Grayling, MI with fam and Drew. Four hour drive. Four hour canoe down Au Sable River. Caught a really big crayfish and impressed a bunch of small children. Capsized kayak, but survived (blaming other guy).
BONNAROO PICTURAMA: Click the link, fool.
I'll be more specific when I wanna,
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Current Fantasy
Not gonna lie, I think I'm going to pass on the Chicago trip. I don't have the money to blow on bands I don't really know, but the real bummer is that I would miss out on seeing my Chicago homies and giving a grand tour of what has basically became my city to my friends. It really sucks.
However, I have new schemes. Although I didn't think I could do it, I think I might be Lollapalooza bound. Who's freakin with me? I think I can get cheaper tix on craigslist (if anyone out there wants to sell me there pass for $125, shoot me an e-mail). Then maybe I can see all my Chicago buds before school starts three weeks later....wahoo.
And that's not to mention my big plan for the summer: *angel noise* CANADA TRIP *angel noise* Getting drunk at 9 AM over a four day weekend in Toronto. That's my one travel goal for the summer, and nothing, save for God or sexy time with Rachel McAdams, is going to get in my way.
Thanks for letting me think aloud, except for in silence, to you, who might not exist,
Monday, June 25, 2007
Excitement, etc.
Here are some photos documenting my adventure:
We were really excited for that early in the morning.
The bridge.
Me...on the bridge.
The view from the bridge (isn't that a song?)
Shout out to Oregon City School buses for providing a free shuttle service. Wouldn't have gotten there without ya! Props.
I thought this was kinda arty.
That is all.
Yeah, fun times had by all. Afterwards, I slept for a few hours, and then painted this lady's garage for fifty bucks. Then I had to shower off all the paint I spilled on my clothes and my face. Then a few grad parties to round off the weekend. Hooray for free food!!
My parents also bought a trampoline. Now, the last trampoline we had was from the deadbeats whom we bought this house from. Apparently, they didn't have the space at their new place, so they figured they might as well leave the trampoline at their old house. It was cool for me, it's how I made friends. However, my parents thought that neighborhood kids would jump around when we weren't home, get seriously injured, and sue us for everything.
They no longer hold that belief, since they just got one. I get tired of trampolining in a short amount of time, but I still kinda wish they would've gotten one while I was still living here year-round. It coulda been crucial in the meeting chicks area.
In a twisted turn of events, though, I think I might have broken my toe on a friend's trampoline. You can never win.
Over and out,
The Barry
This was the song that inspired the Barry Summer 2007 Compilation.
The track listing will be up soon.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Sand Wedge
This course is actually where I had my first job back the summer before sophomore year of high school. Probably the worst job I ever had. The owner, Joe Paradise (ironic), is a total douche. I could go on for a really long time, but I won't.
Anyway, the golfing was...less than professional. I haven't golfed in about a year, and I suck. I'll be honest. And it started to rain halfway through, but we didn't let that stop us. Nosiree. At about the 13th hole, I started thinking "Gas stations make more money on bottled water than on gasoline. Maybe I should open up a bottled water store." Then we went to McDonald's.
No word yet on my latest round of applications. I'm calling Gino's tomorrow and telling 'em what's up.
Ever notice how the guide on the TV says Aqua Teen Hunger Force is about food that saves the planet but that could not be further than the truth?,
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Smoothie Days
I've been pretty blown away from Bonnaroo, trying to recollect myself. It was an intense ride. The whole 525 acre field reeked of pot smoke for four days straight. And the music was amazing. Tool, Franz Ferdinand, Regina Spektor, the FREAKIN POLICE!!, Brazilian Girls, and then there was Flaming Lips. Holy crap.
They entered and left on a giant spaceship, and the crowd was filled with giant balloons and confetti and a giant guy made of glowstiks...and there isn't really any way to describe it. The closest experience I could liken it to is entering Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. It was mind-blowing. You'll have to see the pictures.
Unfortunately, Bonnaroo has broke the Barry (but my alliteration is still kicking). I got an interview at Gino's Pizza, so maybe soon I'll be a delivery person. We shall see. Hopefully I can raise something before golf on Thursday morning.
Strawberry Sunshine,
I saw these guys at the 'roo, and this is their best song.
It's all country-westerny and really brings out the inner
hillbilly in me.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Bonnaroo Hulabaloo
Took my first shower in five days. Ohhhhhhhhh. yeah. Yum.
The Flaming Lips performance there is in my top ten life experiences I have experienced in these 19 years. Life-changing.
Pictures to follow.
Much love,
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Bonnaroo Bound
Today Evan, Dave, and Barry (that's me) went to WalMart (booo) and bought the food for Bonnaroo, which I leave for Wednesday. That's two days from today. Crazy thoughts. I have a good feeling that everything will be pretty tight, and there will be much rocking out. I even set up my tent stuff to make sure they won't explode when we get there. Truthfully, the only thing that really worries me, and it worries me a lot, is the fact that I won't be able to take a shower for about six days or so. Ewwww. I will be wearing a lot of hats.
I got really drunk last night, and it was really cool, because that hasn't happened in way too long.
And this job thing is getting pretty depressing. I called back Starbucks and all the restaurants, and Starbucks said that though they were real interested, and honestly, who wouldn't be? However, by the time I would be all trained I would be gone. I think maybe my best bet would be just to work small one-time gigs until I go back to Chicago. And, Anonymous, I just looked on Facebook Marketplace, and there are some interesting things posted that I might follow up on. We shall see. I just spend so much freakin money, and there isn't enough coming in steadily.
Change is hard to do, though.
Be pumped for Bonnaroo!
BY i don't know, but the theme song from the Sopranos.
Boo hoo, the series is over.
My heart breaks with you, America.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Unemployment Thoughts
I really need to find a job like real soon. I talked to Jeff at my old job at Presidents, and there might be some openings for me to work in July and August, but nothing really permanent and nothing really immediate. I think I might go find more applications and turn them in today. It's not even the money really (who am I kidding, of course it is), but I just have all this darn time on my hands, and nothing to do. It sucks hardcore.
Actually, I'm considering getting money illegally, but I don't know what to do. If you, reader, have any ideas, other than prostitution or dealing, please let me know. I'm pretty desperate.
And I'm looking more and more like a bum since I haven't shaved in like two weeks.
If only I could kill myself, collect the insurance money, and then resurrect like Jesus.
Mexican acousticness to the max. Get it.
And I'm seeing these fools at Bonnaroo.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Golddigging With Guns
Songs include:
Nine Inch Nails: "The Good Soldier"
Gorillaz: "Kids With Guns"
Kanye West: "Golddigger"
Download it here:
Yes, now I sorta kinda am officially a DJ.
Suck on that.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The Columbus Adventures
Basically, I spent all day pulling weeds and hedging stuff. She has some cool gardening technology, so it's not that bad. She has this electric clipper that cuts through bushes like they're Elisabeth Hasselbeck and I'm Rosie O'Donnell (except I don't lose my job after cutting them down, and I'm also not a fat lesbian). I get to be a bit creative in how big of a rounded , massacred heap of stems I make the bushes. She also has this dig-it thing that connects to the hose, and basically makes muddy holes in the ground by spitting water at them.
What has this blog come to? I'm talking about gardening tools. I am pathetic.
But not quite. I was able to get in contact with some of my OSU contacts, and met up with them. I've never been to OSU's campus, and to be perfectly honest (would you expect anything less), I was not real impressed. The dorms do not even have carpet. They actually bring in their own carpet to put in. That totally blew my mind. We played pool at the crappy rec room, and then had a burrito at the crappy burrito eat-place. The burrito wasn't as crappy as it could have been, and it was free...We reminisced on old times, which consisted mostly of him hitting me in the face....hmmm, I'm not sure why I still consider him my friend...
Tomorrow I go to the plant store and buy plants to plant. Then I might "hit the town" as they say with some other friends who happen to be here. I guess this trip wasn't a total bust.
In other news: The Barry bought his Bonnaroo tickets today. Shake his hand next time you see him.
Love and happiness,
Monday, May 28, 2007
Ikea: Reflections
I also got this rug, some frames, and I tried Linginberry juice. I was hoping all of the employees would speak like the Swedish chef, but no such luck. I'm still gonna make at least one more trip out there so I can get stuff to "pimp" out my sophomore dormroom. If you're reading this Fransico, get ready. I got plans.
Tomorrow I head down early to Columbus. I'm helping my aunt with stuff so I can get mad cash, which I need like an Ethopian needs rice. Also, her devil cat recently died, and I'm a little afraid the place might be haunted. This is the cat that viciously attacked a young Barry as he was gently playing by himself on the floor. That was one time; the late Abigail has ambushed me many times over the past 15 years. But who's laughing now [laughs]. See you in cat hell! Scratch this.
See? It's a series. Now there are two of 'em.
So, I've gotten into this mashing thing, where a DJ takes two different songs and smashes them together, usually to finger-snappin' enjoyment. On this website, you can download the Kleptones' whole "24 Hours" album, but prolly the best track is Disk 1, Track 15. It's a mash of Genesis' "Land of Confusion," the "War. Uhh, what is it good for? (say it again)" and some interesting vocal additions. Actually, the whole CD is good, and it is free. Just right click a track and select "Save Target As" and enjoy. Mmmm. Free music.
No Sleep...till Columbus,
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Shivering timbers

Friday, May 25, 2007
Sussudio: Reflections
ME: Hey, honey. Let me buy you a drink.
CUTE GIRL: Uh, no thanks. And please stop grabbing yourself.
CUTE GIRL: No..gak.......(pause, pause, pause)...wanna go to my place?
ME: Thanks Phil Collins!
Or something like that.
Unrelated, I think something is wrong with my insect screen, because as I speak bugs are swarming me: my skin, my computer, one just flew in my mouth, etc. Occasionally, there is a really big one that makes a lot of noise, which makes me sort of nervous to go to sleep. I am worried I might wake up and be missing arms. Just another hazard-filled country night, I suppose.
Since I haven't been doing to much with my life the past few weeks, I have been doing some thinking (and I kinda learned the Cure's "Lullaby" on guitar. Rock on!). Times are changing here. I'm starting to feel a little alienated in my group of friends here. It's not that I find anything particularly wrong with them, it's just my college friends are a lot different, and to be honest, a lot deeper than most of my friends here. Let me go into something else. So throughout most of high school, the group of people I hung out with most were band people (just get the insults out now, please). Over the summer, I sort was "in between groups." I hung out with a lot of different people, but a lot of my time was spent with a sort of revamped version of our old group, which included a few musical people. Now there was nothing wrong with this, but now that is only group I really hang out with. I guess you could say I feel a little repressed. I always feel a little uncomfortable hanging out, and I don't really know why. I think what might add to it is that almost all the girls we hang out with are dating someone far away, while all the guys, including myself, are single, without many (at least local) perspective girlfriends, which somehow adds this weird tension that I can pick up. There also seems to be this strong notion that this could very well be the last summer we all hang out together. I feel a little like Locke in one of the last episodes of LOST this season (did you see that season finale? It was NUTS!!), as he was informing Sawyer that he wasn't really a part of the beach people or the Others, he said "I'm on my own path now." I think that sort sums up how I kinda feel right now. We'll see, there's still a long summer ahead.
Please don't take this personally at all, this is meant to be an airing of emotions, not an attack of any kind (including you, Genesis).
I really need that Starbucks job.