Sunday, October 29, 2006


Holla for Halloween.

Not really. I never really like Halloween. Surprising as it is, I am in theater and I don't like getting into costumes. Maybe because I can never really think of anything really original, so I don't even try. I just told people I was a douchebag, which is true the other 364 days of the year, too. I mean, yeah, it's cool that all girls are slutty for that one night, but mostly I just feel awkward.

Saturday mid-afternoon I got suckered into going shopping with these three girls, which was a bad choice, and I'm not gonna make that mistake. Talk about awkward.

I have this problem. Everyone thinks I'm gay. I mean, I am in theater, I don't really do sports, I do put some emphasis on appearance, and one of my good friends that goes here is gay. However, I don't fit quite one criterion; I'm not into guys. I noticed this little curse of mine ever since the beginning of this year, and it has just exploded here. Words cannot describe how much this bugs me. People get all offended at the word "nigger" or when I point out some one is Jewish (go figure), but they somehow think they aren't stereotyping when they automatically think some dude likes the cock. What's even worse is when people think they know me better than myself and tell me I'm just not out yet. I just wanna smack a ho when someone tells me that.

Which brings me back. So I went shopping with these girls, and one was dead convinced I was gay (but she was ugly, and not really worth my time, so I can deal with that). After that weird shopping trip, I came back to the room, drank a cold one with my next-door neighbor, who is probably one of the biggest hedonists I've ever met, and then I went to this Halloween party.

What's even goofier is that the girls I went with shopping wouldn't even really talk to me while at the party, and the one chick I was friends with in the first place (as in, I wouldn't even know the others if it wasn't for her) made out with about eight different guys, and I didn't even talk to her. Whatevs, I still pretty pissed at the world. But, on a brighter note, I did dance with a black chick, so I give myself a pat on the back for that (she wasn't even drunk).

I got back to the room, and I've started to be bothered by something else. I feel unaccomplished, even though I'm only 18. What bugs me is that I say I want to screenwrite or direct, and I really have nothing to show for it. Cobain and Tarantino, two little heros of mine, at least had something by my age, but I don't, except for thirty pages of an unfinished script. Everyone around me's perogitive is to get laid. I want to change the world. It's harder than it looks.

This blog is probably the most depressing one I've wrote, but I guess I need to place to vent, cause no one likes to hear whining.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I Order All My Sandwiches With Mayonnaise

So I just got my copy of Weird Al Yankovic's "Straight Outta Lynwood" today. Not gonna lie, it's pretty awesome. I encourage everyone to give it a look.

Top picks:
"White and Nerdy", parody of "Ridin' Dirty" by Charmillionaire
"Confessions Part III" parody of Parts I and II by Usher
"Don't Download this Song" Style parody of those 80's collaboration for charity

Plus, the polka medley makes me laugh everytime I hear it.


Sunday, October 22, 2006

What I Got You Gotta Give it To Your Mamma

For some reason at work, they think I enjoy working the weekend straight. No joke, the current schedule patterns suggest I work from Friday till Monday I work these long hours, which leaves me little time to It sucks, but I kinda sorta requested off the whole month of November, and I don't know how long I'll stay on past winter break (hopefully not at all).

Anyway, what made tonight a biotch is that I guess some guy got fired and his buddy in retaliation quit. The buddy was supposed to close. I was only supposed to work till ten. I ended up closing. Surprisingly, though, I didn't take a long time, I was only there 15 minutes after. I'm patting myself on the back right now.

On the train ride home, after being offered some weed-filled cigerettes by some brothas, I ran into a girl from Loyola I randomly met a long time ago. She was trying to get one of the stop maps things that tell you where you are going things, I guess. I, having jacked a red line one the night before, helped her get one then I snatched a purple line for myself.

I kinda figured there wouldn't be a whole lot going tonight, considering everything here stops at approx. 11:30. I went up to ma dorm room and here I am. And I have to wake up at 8:45 to freakin go to work. And I just realized I forgot to punch out....whatevs, I got brownie points now for closing when I didn't have to.

Earlier today I wanted to read the current play I am in, and I figured the el would be as good place as my room, so I just took on the train and rode it and read, and somehow I ended up in Chinatown. I decided I'd stop and check things out, having never been in any sort of Chinatown in my life.

It was kinda nice being taller than everybody [rimshot]

Anyway, I think I'll visit again, maybe later tonight, being that it is sunday.

I'll reward you listening to my mundane life by ending it gently.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

This comic always bring me joy.

Today was most likely the most extreme Monday of my life. It all started in the wee hours of the morning, when my Anthro teacher e-mailed our midterm, and it was insane. And since he e-mailed it to us, we had as much as time as we needed! Yeah! No, not really. First, I woke up and went to Virtuous Eating. Nothing too exciting. Just eating disorders. Then I studied philosophy, studying which was supplanted by working on the Anthro midterm the night before. Then I went to Philosophy and took the midterm, which actually wasn't too bad. I got done in like 30 minutes, or a half-hour. Then I rushed back, got changed for work, and then went to the Phoenix office to see someone about "improvements" on my CD review (The Kooks, Inside In/Inside Out, worth a look). After about ten minutes of hearing corrections, I said I world ruminate this over at work, which I dashed off to next. Except I was mostly waiting for the el, which wasn't very dashilly. Work was work. At least I got paid and was able to snag a lunch pizza for myself. And I got to try the chicken mole. Not bad. Anyway, I got off around 10:25, worked at my article until midnight, then I wrote the rest of my midterm till 2:16 in the morning. I am sick of writing---why am I writing this? Because it is a story that needs to be told. This might be the most Insanity-filled Monday of my entire life. Luckily it's over now.

Thank God for Tuesday,
Whew. Barry

Saturday, October 14, 2006

I Got Way Too Inebriated Last Night

So it snowed Thursday. What the f?


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

As Always, Fighting Injustice in All Forms All Over the Country

Although I should be working on at least one of the two papers due tomorrow, I'm checking some of my not-very-oftenly checked e-mail.

My parents are totally inept. This was made crystal clear to me over the weekend. I guess the internet has not been working since I had left in August, yet they still pay for it. Somehow they thought I would be able to fix it. I guess they're the type of people who just deal with a situation instead of actually calling anybody and fixing it. Gah, it's so freakin annoying.

Anyway, so today I was checking the e-mail I share with my dad (it's, to give you an idea of how old it is). He never really checks it, so it's always flooded when I look at it. Some of the random spam is pretty amusing. One sender was apparently the city of Bulgaria, and the subject lines are always sneaky. It's almost disappointing, there aren't any flashing colors or other HTML fun. Spammers these days are getting really lazy.

There was also an e-mail from one a group that has been near and dear to my heart since I've had to research Lobby Groups in AP US Gov: Legalize Ferrets. It's quite a pressing political issue. Apparently, in California it is illegal to own a ferret. And Gov. "girly man" (as called by a ferret advocate) Schwzanagger (sorry, gov'na) recently vetoed a bill legalizing the fuzzy critters. The greatest is that the group has little rallies at hotels and stuff, where I'm sure about four people attend. Maybe one day I'll come out to one.

I decided to snope around the site because I was bored. I visited the kickin' online store, and there I saw it. I spurgled and spent two dollars on a "Legalize Ferrets" button. Unfortunately, I do not know where to put it. Whatev.

I encourage all of you to go to and buy some stuff. They got bumper stickers and a t-shirt and---well, that's about it. Plus, all your friends will be like "Legalize Ferrets? How goofy is that?" Then you will be well-liked. At least that is what I am hoping for.


Do it! I'm serious. I'll gut you.

Heeeeeeeeeere's Barry

Yes, I am quite aware that my titles suck and are decently unoriginal.

This was a pretty intense weekend. I went home for like 3 and a quarter days because of said "Trains, Planes, and Automobiles" incident. But now I am back safe and sound in Chi-town.

It is all fallish in the Northwest Ohio/Southeast Michigan region. It's nice and chilly and the leaves are all a-changin. It's interesting that I could finally see the stars at night. I got pretty nostalgic about high school, so I ended up going with the pretense that I was "getting my yearbook," which I did get. I am all over that mother. Not only am I on the cover, the pages are flooded with my beautiful face. At least now I tell my grandkids, "Believe it or not, your Pappy Barry was a pretty popular kid in high school." And they most likely will not believe it, so I'll whip out my yearbook and show them how wrong they are (little will they know the most likely reason I was in so much was just because I was in with the yearbook staff, muwhahahaha).

The whole weekend I was able to catch up on my college friends. I went down to BG and saw that it's pretty boring in the Arts Village (read: "Gay Village") where my two of my best buds are. Pretty glad I'm in Chicago. And I went over to my other friend who goes to Dayton (which is also on break, unlike every other school in the nation besides mine and BGSU) and smoked a cigar and told college stories.

Somehow I didn't drink at all during this period....

And I went on a huge shopping spree where I bought my whole winter wardrobe. The good thing about going to school far away is that when I go home my parents are basically like "Please talk to us occasionally, here's some money." I'm so evil.

Now my room is a lot more decked out then it was before. I got some bamboo and some more stuff to go on the "Random Crap" section of my wall. It's shaping up pretty well. Maybe someday I'll take pictures.

In the end, I kinda missed home. It's not so bad of a place, besides the fact that there really isn't a whole lot of oppurtunity of any sort. Whatevs, it's a good home base place. When I'm filthy rich, I'll probably own one or two houses out there. Good times.

Hmmm, got 2 work on my Class Cookbook assignment for Virtuous Eating, HA!,

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I wanna throw something

I am writing this from the downtown campus of Loyola at approx. 3:00 Toledo time. By this time I was supposed to be back home, showered, and maybe eating food that I didn't have to pay for. But, alas, that would be too easy.

Lemme tell you about the Megabus. It sucks. I was rudely awokened this morning at 7:50 by Mark calling me and telling me I had to be down at the el and ready to go in 7 minutes. I set my alarm for 7:20, but for some reason or another, fate prevented me from getting up. So I rushed around, got dressed, threw my laptop somewhere, and ran off for the el. We got on at about 8:10, and got off in the loop at about 8:45, then had a frantic run towards Union Station.

We were scheduled to take the Megabus, this large coachbus thing that travels all around the scenic Midwest, at 9:10 from Chicago to Toledo. We got there at 9, and didn't see any buses for Toledo, just Cleveland and Detroit. We wait until 9:15 before calling customer service about where our bus was, and they told us it would arrive in 10 minutes. Cool cool. Twenty minutes later, we call again. "You mean you didn't take the Cleveland bus?" Jokes on us. So we had to wait around 7 hours till the 3:30 bus, and that means I won't get home until 8 PM.

Words cannot describe how pissed off I was. The Megabus people can be expecting an irate letter describing how some guy missed his uncle's funeral and demanding a full refund because it says ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE on the ticket, or print-out, or anywhere on the website, that you have to take the Cleveland bus to get to Toledo.

Besides wanting to be home, though, I guess it wasn't all that bad. We went to see Navy Pier, and let me tell all you budding Chicago tourists out there, it's not much. There is some water, and some crappy touristy restaurants, and a ferris wheel. I have no clue why Navy Pier is so "on the map." Next time you come to Chicago with your maps and floppy hats and sunglasses on a string, take my advice and skip Navy Pier.

Sometime when I am in a less rambling mood I'll tell you about how last night I went to such a fancy restaurant I was charged $25 for water. Later, folks, later.

Muthaf*cking Megabus,

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Calm like a bomb

Since probably my only reader has his panties in a bunch that I share more of my "crazy" and "exciting" life, I decided I would do a little catch-up.

I got a job. It kinda sucks. I make sandwiches at this Panara-like place called Cosi, not to be confused with Cosi....they work me long and hard, for example I worked Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. That blew hard. I'm not really used to the restaurant biz either, yet, and so it's pretty stressful. There were times we were so busy over the weekend I thought I was going to puke (mmmm, appetizing). But I got through it, I'm just gonna have to tell them I need to work less hours, because I'm a crazy college kid.

This weekend was semi-uneventful, I went to a party Saturday night that was out on this multi-level porch thing. Me and a buddy kept going back, getting stuff or eating, and coming back. Not gonna lie, it was a little shady. There was a guy in the backyard in a black hoodie selling beer and other more illecit substances. And then the cops came while weren't there, we came back, there was a big fight (Yea!), the cops came back, Barry left. And in our group was probably the drunkest girl I have seen here. When I was walking her back (what a gentleman I am), she was like doubling over and running into stuff. It was pretty funny, not gonna lie. Then we got donuts.

Hey, random discourse. In Toledo there is roughly one Dunkin Donuts. In Chicago, they're on every friggin street corner. I don't even understand why. It's not really that good.

Anyway, I've been pretty busy between work and writing my preview for the Chicago International Film Festival, which was printed Wednesday, albeit less charming and witty than my original, along with shorter. But, alas, today I got my media pass (it has my picture and everything, pretty professional), so I guess it was worth it. I don't know if anybody really wants me to actually review stuff, so I'm just going to go see free movies about gay cops and life in Iceland. Wa. Hoo.

Drama-wise, my work is pushing along. We have these things called "Director [something]" which allows student directors to direct a scene. I didn't try out, since I had to go see "Hedda Gabler" for a class the same night. Not gonna lie, it wasn't too bad. But then a girl I was in "Son at the Front" with facebooked me and asked if I wanted to be in her scene, some Arthur Miller thing. I said, why not? So I got that going for me, but I don't know what I am going to do seriously next.......and all the while I'm trying to finish the rough draft for my screenplay (ask me about it sometime).

AND HOORAH! I go home Saturday till Tuesday, and I get par-tay with some people in BG and see some other people and stuff. Huzzah.

Rockin the suburbs,